ID | 4374 |
Every time you do a Magical attack, it ignores 30% of Boss-type monster's MDEF, and does damage accordingly. DEX + 10 Class : Card Compound on : Headgear Weight : 1 |
For sale | No |
Identified | Apocalips_H_Card | Cost | Not for sale | |
Name | Vesper Card | Type | Card | |
Buy | 20 | Weight | 1 | |
Sell | 0 | Level | 0 | |
Range | 0 | Defense | 0 | |
Slots | 0 | Refineable | No | |
Attack | 0 | Min level | No | |
Max level | No | |||
Position | Upper/Mid/Lower Headgear | |||
Equippen on | No | |||
Job | No | |||
Sex | Both (Male and Female) | |||
Trade restriction | No |
ID | Name | Vesper Card drop chance | Can be steal | Level | Race | Element |
1685 | Vesper | 0.5% | No | 90 | Brute | Level 2 Holy |